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meet our 2021 recipients

Through the G70 Foundation the following organizations have been supported

arts & culture



The Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture, more commonly known as INPEACE, is committed to improving the quality of life for Native Hawaiians through community partnerships that provide educational opportunities and promote self-sufficiency.

INPEACE has provided educational programs to Native Hawaiian communities since 1994, nurturing the growth and development of keiki through 'ohana-focused models and empowering community members to become educators and active leaders in their own communities because they understand, live, and are invested in the community’s future.


I Nui Ke Aho is a non-profit organization based in Waialua on the North Shore of O'ahu.
I Nui Ke Aho operates a traditional double-hulled Hawaiian sailing canoe built and maintained by our dedicated staff and volunteers, using mainly traditional techniques and materials. This canoe, Wanana Paoa, was built for the purpose of community building through indigenous education. 

With Wanana Paoa, I Nui Ke Aho seeks to strengthen the North Shore community. We aim to do this by creating a traditional Hawaiian navigator’s mindset, and providing educational programs that teach collaboration, knowledge, and pono decision-making to our youth, `ohana and community.



Ko'ihonua is a non-profit organization that aims to transform the lives and conditions of Native Hawaiians through the reclamation and restoration of land, the revitalization of Hawaiian cultural practices, and investment in Hawai'i-based movements for social justice. Ko'ihonua has three primary initiatives: Hanakēhau Learning Farm, a four-acre land restoration project; Hui Kalai Ki'i o Kūpā'aike'e, a traditional Hawaiian carving revitalization apprenticeship and a community organizing and training arm.


The Ulu A'e Learning Center envisions a world where communities are rooted, knowledgeable about and engaged in the place they live. Established in 2014, our mission is to empower and enrich lives through programs that develop skills, build confidence, and promote healthy relationships based on the values and customs of our kupuna (ancestors).

Today, we provide culturally grounded place-based, after-school and intersession programs for children, skills-building enrichment workshops for parents and teachers, and stewardship opportunities at historic, cultural sites in West O'ahu for community members and visitors.

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Hawai'i Craftsmen celebrates fine craft as a vital and enriching part of contemporary life and supports the creative growth of our member artists and the education of the general public to the value of the crafts.

We achieve our mission through

  • increasing public awareness and appreciation of fine craft through community outreach in many forms

  • providing opportunities for continuing education and regular exhibition of member work

  • sustaining a statewide community of craft artists by providing venues for shared experiences and communication

  • promoting the organization and its members both within and without the State of Hawai'i


Hawai'i Women in Filmmaking is a feminist nonprofit organization committed to gender justice in filmmaking through an intersectional lens. We are a creative and safe space where film and media-makers connect, create, mentor, and inspire current and future generations of women to explore and pursue careers in the field of filmmaking. By providing access to a broad network of resources, education, leadership, and support, we create the conditions for women and girls to express themselves through the medium of film; raise awareness and visibility of women's and girls' work in film; and promote a diverse and positive representation of girls and women in media.

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community & economy

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The Hawai'i State Coalition Against Domestic Violence advances the safety and healing of victims, survivors and their families.

We are the collective voice of a diverse network of organizations and individuals, working to eliminate all forms of domestic violence in Hawai'i by:

  • fostering partnership

  • increasing awareness of domestic violence

  • developing the capacity our member programs and community partners to address the needs of survivors and their families

  • advocating for social justice and change


WorkNet is a private non-profit Offender Service Agency founded in 2000 and located in Honolulu. Our mission is to serve offenders and the community to reduce recidivism by providing programs critical to inmates for their transition from prison to society. Our services include assisting clients with finding employment, securing housing, obtaining a driver’s license, and restoring identity documents for a successful reentry. WorkNet uses evidence-based practices linked to case management and supportive services for offender transition and employment services. Our most comprehensive program is built on Cognitive/Behavioral Skills training and Transition Management that we developed called LifeStiles®. We achieve our outcomes by providing Customized Offender Service Assessment, Cognitive/Behavioral Training, Computer Based Job Search, a Digital Resume, Job Placement, Individual Counseling and Case Management for offenders. Our recidivism rates are 25% to 50% below those of the state.



Our Mission: To restore hope, dignity, and justice for low-income immigrants through high-quality immigration legal services, education and advocacy.

We believe that immigrants seeking assistance with naturalization (citizenship) applications, asylum petitions, or family reunification are entitled to high quality, experienced legal assistance. No one should be denied the help of a lawyer due to their inability to pay or due to their immigration status. The Legal Clinic also stands ready to support DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) cases, and the rights of COFA (Compacts of Free Association) citizens in Hawai'i.



Kāpili Like is a Native Hawaiian 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2017 to support the needs of the native Hawaiians, the underserved, those in transition, and a population that has been displaced in our community. We practice and perpetuate the Hawaiian cultural values of Pilina (connection), Mālama (care), Kuleana (responsibility), and Kūpono (upright).

With the support of our funders and caring community partners our programs provide education, accelerated construction industry training, job placement, counseling, and follow-up support services. It is through these guiding principles our program sets the foundation for participants to continue on a pathway of leadership and success through hands-on trade training, career pathway support, social service referrals, service learning and cultural competency.

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Hi'ilei Aloha LLC is a non-profit sub entity of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency formed through the State Constitutional Convention in 1978. Hi'ilei Aloha’s mission is to identify, promote, develop, and support culturally-appropriate, sustainable opportunities that benefit Native Hawaiians.

Hi'ilei Aloha LLC was created by OHA in October 2007 initially to serve as an umbrella organization for management of Waimea Valley and Makaweli Poi Mill, two acquisitions. The word hi'ilei means to carry, hold, tend to, nurture, and cherish in the way a parent cares for a beloved child


Kūlaniākea is a non-profit educational organization currently serving Native Hawaiian communities through multi-generational dual language education and culturally appropriate educational materials.

By embracing an educational philosophy that acknowledges our indigenous perspective, Kūlaniākea focuses on its broader vision of multilingualism, multiculturalism, educational excellence, and emphasis on whole-child development.


natural environment

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The North Shore Economic Vitality Partnership (North Shore EVP) was formed in 2015 as a result of a comprehensive, community-based economic analysis that included community outreach events where community members, business owners and government leaders helped identify regional opportunities for economic growth, especially in the areas of agriculture and tourism, the largest economic drivers in the region. North Shore EVP was formed to provide the leadership and organization needed to implement the community’s vision. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, North Shore EVP is uniquely positioned to strengthen regional communication and collaboration, drive community engagement across O'ahu’s North Shore while building new civic leadership with each project we undertake.


Trees for Honolulu’s Future (TFHF) vision is a tree-filled O'ahu that preserves and enhances our quality of life, especially in the face of climate change.

TFHF does this by facilitating the planting and caring for new trees and the protecting of existing trees in communities across O'ahu and specifically connecting communities with expert assistance and funding.

Educating the public and government officials on the benefit of the right tree, in the right place, getting the right care. Advocating for laws, policies, projects, and funding that support the planting and caring for and protection of trees.

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Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawai'i (B.E.A.C.H.) brings awareness and solutions to plastic marine debris through: environmental education in schools and the community; marine debris removal and research; and plastic reduction/litter prevention campaigns; in order to inspire actions by individuals and the community that reduce and prevent plastic marine debris, resulting in protection of Hawai'i's marine life, sea birds and ocean/coastal environment. B.E.A.C.H. educates people of all ages about the impacts of plastic and the chemicals in plastic on their health, marine life and the environment.


'Ohu 'Ohu Ko'olau, Inc. (OOKI) serves as a fiscal and management entity for the Ko'olau Mountains Watershed Partnership (KMWP). The mission of KMWP is to perpetuate the water resources of O'ahu by protecting and enhancing important watershed forests of the Ko'olau Mountains and their invaluable native ecosystems through a partnership that fosters landowner and multi-agency collaboration. OOKI supports capacity building by raising KMWP’s profile in the community and directs contributed community resources to fieldwork across the more than 100,000 acre partnership boundary.



Kua'āina Ulu Auamo (KUA) means “grassroots growing through shared kuleana (responsibility).” Our acronym KUA means backbone. KUA works to empower primarily Native Hawaiian and rural communities to improve their quality of life through caring for their environmental heritage together to better Hawai'i and achieve ana momona— an abundant, productive ecological system that supports community well-being.

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